Stand together with Women in Automotive.
Our profession is what keeps all New Zealand moving and yet women’s voices are missing. Less than 17% of the current workforce, and 6% of apprentices, are women.
Increasing the participation and advancement of women in automotive is not just the right thing to do, we know that diverse teams drive better business outcomes.*
Change is possible when there are many involved so help the automotive industry thrive by pledging to stand together with Women in Automotive.
By joining our pledge, you’re signalling your commitment to being part of the change. For both individuals and organisations, it’s free to pledge. You will be joining a network of champions who will advocate for women in automotive.
*McKinsey & Company ‘Diversity Wins’ May 2020.

Think seriously about it and give it a go because it’s a super versatile industry – you don’t just have to be on the tools.
Raechel Kaimoana

Natasha Callister entered the automotive industry in 2019 and it didn’t take long to observe and understand how under-represented women were within the industry.
"As I engaged with businesses throughout the sector they began sharing with me the challenges they faced in trying to recruit women to work within their organisations and also in attracting female clientele. Business owners wanted to understand how they could make their vehicle dealerships and workshop environments more inviting and comfortable, with many understanding that increasing the representation of women was not just the right thing to do but it also made smart business sense. For me personally a large part of my career has been in male dominated industries and I am also a full-time working mother of two young children so I know first-hand the challenges women can face but also the tools, support frameworks and strategies that have helped me progress my career into senior levels. It was this combination which made me believe this was a challenge I could (and should) throw my energy behind. I reached out to my networks across the sector with the idea and together we formed a collective known as Women in Automotive New Zealand."
About us
Women in Automotive New Zealand is a working group collective of organisations that are equally passionate about the automotive industry; NZME’s DRIVEN, MITO – Te Pūkenga, Motor Trade Association, Motor Industry Association, Otago Polytechnic - Te Pūkenga, and NZ Collision Repair Association. Our purpose is to bring together organisations of influence within the automotive sector behind a co-ordinated and aligned effort to deliver on our ambition, which is to actively increase the participation of women across the automotive industry, and the advancement of women into automotive senior leadership roles.
We have a vertical integration strategy which is why we have partners in our collective who specialise in working with school leavers and apprentices right through to those who represent the corporate new vehicle sector.